I’ve been having dreams about the x and sex. Not always sex with him, but he’s usually around. Last night’s was a doozy.
I was at some kind of amusement park or kid friendly place, and I was in a wading pool, and there was this young man working there, about 20, and he was talking to me, and he seemed interested. He got closer and closer, and soon we were wrapped around each other in the pool.
I took him back to my house, it was empty. Somewhere along the way, we had picked up a blond, a little older than me, and really hot. We were all pretty drunk, we must have found her at a party or something. We started to make out, and my clothes were removed. The blond was urging the guy to go down on me, and she was taking her clothes off in the corner of the room. As he was headed downtown, the door flies open, and it’s my son. Then my daughter is there. I tell them to leave and shut the door, and they leave, but the door is open, and my oldest daughter comes to see what is going on. She leaves, and then the X comes down, looks at me, shakes his head, and shuts the door.
Everyone gets dressed and leaves. I know I’m in big trouble, and that I’m going to have to deal with the kids seeing that behavior. I go into the kitchen, and the X tells me I’m irresponsible and that he will deal with it, because I’m not to be trusted. There was a weird thing about food in there too, but I don’t remember. I pointed out that they weren’t supposed to be there, so technically, it wasn’t my fault. I walked into the living room, and the kids were there. The X asked me to talk to them (like he always does) and I said I would.
My mind raced, trying to figure out what would be the best way to explain to the them what was going on.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
OU Party
I had one yesterday about being at OU for a celebration of the university's anniversary, and it was a big party and everyone was dressing up in weird ways. Rachel and I needed the bathroom, so we walked into a building, and finally found a restroom, but with two doors. We couldn't tell which one was the girls and which was the boys, so we camped out in front until some guy went into one. We went into the restroom, it was all nasty looking and painted yellow. I've never been to a nice restroom in my dreams.
Monday, July 20, 2009
group and fast food
I had to get these down before I forgot them completely. As it is now, they are just small snippets.
I had a dream I was in a big bed with four people. The stalker, one other woman, and a super hot ex. We were all rolling around together, and stalker was touching me, but when it came time to actually go, I really wanted the ex as opposed to the stalker. He really wanted me too. We went for a while, with the stalker providing assistance. We finished, and lay there recovering, and round two was being planned. We started again, with both men giving me attention, and once again, when it came time to go, I turned to the ex, and he was more than willing to help me out. We both knew that it was a special situation, and it wouldn’t be happening again, but we had to tolerate the stalker in order for it to happen.
I think the other dream was about shopping or something. I remember that it was interesting, but I was really more interested in holding on to the previous dream because it was so hot.
I was hanging out with the mfx, his mother, and the kids. It was time to feed them, so I was taking them to Taco Bell or something, and his mom was in the back of the car. She lost it for some reason, and was really mad. I went and told mfx his mom had lost it, and he kind of rolled his eyes, and came to go with us. We stopped at the burger place across the street, and they kept telling everyone that sonic had half priced burgers. So we rode on.
I had a dream I was in a big bed with four people. The stalker, one other woman, and a super hot ex. We were all rolling around together, and stalker was touching me, but when it came time to actually go, I really wanted the ex as opposed to the stalker. He really wanted me too. We went for a while, with the stalker providing assistance. We finished, and lay there recovering, and round two was being planned. We started again, with both men giving me attention, and once again, when it came time to go, I turned to the ex, and he was more than willing to help me out. We both knew that it was a special situation, and it wouldn’t be happening again, but we had to tolerate the stalker in order for it to happen.
I think the other dream was about shopping or something. I remember that it was interesting, but I was really more interested in holding on to the previous dream because it was so hot.
I was hanging out with the mfx, his mother, and the kids. It was time to feed them, so I was taking them to Taco Bell or something, and his mom was in the back of the car. She lost it for some reason, and was really mad. I went and told mfx his mom had lost it, and he kind of rolled his eyes, and came to go with us. We stopped at the burger place across the street, and they kept telling everyone that sonic had half priced burgers. So we rode on.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Little snippets of dreams, since I woke in a panic to get to work on time.
email from Goomdah that was super urgent. The subject line was something like “Are you there!”
I was talking with an older guy, and he brought his daughter (older than me) to my room and proposed to me. We had met once, and hadn’t really done anything other than talk a few times. I kept pointing out that he didn’t know me, but he seemed fine with that, and his daughter was really supportive. They were having some family reunion event, so I was asking questions about their family, and the were religious, etc. I remember thinking that they had no idea who I was, since I was atheist and ambisexual.
After that, I was staying in a hotel with the children, the youngest was with me. It was a really nice hotel, and there was an adjoining room. The couple in the adjoining room was HOT. Both of them were hot, but I was super focused on the guy, who was tall, dark, and looked like a walking perfume ad. She was walking around in just a T shirt, and he was walking around in just pants. They had a child, it was a turtle. We met because the turtle child wanted to swim in our big tub in our room. It swam around with a folded up washrag on it’s back. I didn’t understand why, but it was enjoying itself. The parents were in and out checking on the turtle. They left to go somewhere, and the kid came out of the tub and morphed into a lion cub, which made perfect sense at the time, and I was already aware that outside of the tub, the kid was a lion cub.
My mom was driving me and the kids cross-country. Someone spilled or something, and mom looked back to see what was going on, and went off the road going pretty fast, but it went into this side lane that led to a really narrow door that went into a hotel. I remember asking her if she thought the van would fit into the door. We just barely fit. We stopped in a carpeted lobby, and this was ok, apparently. The kids piled out of the car, and someone spilled a coke on this small set of carpeted stairs, and we went to clean it up, kind of frantically. As I was cleaning, I looked up, and gorgeous guy from 3 was there, seeking me out for a rendezvous. He helped me clean up the mess. We went into a conference room, someone (I believe his wife) was there for a beauty pageant, or some such thing, which was high stress and audition based. She was prepared, but it seemed like the cards were stacked against her.
I was upstairs in this new hotel, in my room, with all of the kids. Once again, the hotness was next door to us. Then Trouble was on the same floor. He told me that he’d been calling and texting. I checked my phone and it had 13 texts from him, all pretty repetitive, saying things like “are you there” and “room 213.” I could see him or hear him somehow, he was in a hotel room, talking to some friends and drinking beer, completely cutting up. It was fun to watch him. I responded to the text, but it was like he was talking to me at the same time. He said now was the time, and I had to come and meet him in his room. The kids were awake and watching tv, and I said that perhaps now wasn’t the time. He then said maybe we should meet at night, and I explained the kids stay up late, so perhaps the afternoon was best, especially since the hotties next door could be back up.
I went to his room to meet him, and I got him naked, and the place where I bit him last time (on his lower abdomen, by the hip) was all nasty and bruised. I pointed it out to him, just in case he didn’t know, and he said that it was me that had the dark bruise, and I looked down, and I did. He had just the lightest of teeth marks.
I think that’s when I woke up and realize that I was late for work. I woke up with a mind full of Trouble.
For giggles, I looked at dream interpretation:
To see young lions, could denote new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended.
For a young woman to dream of young lions, could denote new and fascinating lovers.
To dream of seeing turtles, signifies that an unusual incident will cause you enjoyment, and improve your business conditions. It also indicates a bright change if you 'come out of your shell'.
To dream of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel.
If you dream of contracting a marriage, you might have unpleasant news from the absent.
For a young woman to dream that she is a bride, and unhappy or indifferent, foretells disappointments in love. She should be careful of her conduct, as enemies are near her.
email from Goomdah that was super urgent. The subject line was something like “Are you there!”
I was talking with an older guy, and he brought his daughter (older than me) to my room and proposed to me. We had met once, and hadn’t really done anything other than talk a few times. I kept pointing out that he didn’t know me, but he seemed fine with that, and his daughter was really supportive. They were having some family reunion event, so I was asking questions about their family, and the were religious, etc. I remember thinking that they had no idea who I was, since I was atheist and ambisexual.
After that, I was staying in a hotel with the children, the youngest was with me. It was a really nice hotel, and there was an adjoining room. The couple in the adjoining room was HOT. Both of them were hot, but I was super focused on the guy, who was tall, dark, and looked like a walking perfume ad. She was walking around in just a T shirt, and he was walking around in just pants. They had a child, it was a turtle. We met because the turtle child wanted to swim in our big tub in our room. It swam around with a folded up washrag on it’s back. I didn’t understand why, but it was enjoying itself. The parents were in and out checking on the turtle. They left to go somewhere, and the kid came out of the tub and morphed into a lion cub, which made perfect sense at the time, and I was already aware that outside of the tub, the kid was a lion cub.
My mom was driving me and the kids cross-country. Someone spilled or something, and mom looked back to see what was going on, and went off the road going pretty fast, but it went into this side lane that led to a really narrow door that went into a hotel. I remember asking her if she thought the van would fit into the door. We just barely fit. We stopped in a carpeted lobby, and this was ok, apparently. The kids piled out of the car, and someone spilled a coke on this small set of carpeted stairs, and we went to clean it up, kind of frantically. As I was cleaning, I looked up, and gorgeous guy from 3 was there, seeking me out for a rendezvous. He helped me clean up the mess. We went into a conference room, someone (I believe his wife) was there for a beauty pageant, or some such thing, which was high stress and audition based. She was prepared, but it seemed like the cards were stacked against her.
I was upstairs in this new hotel, in my room, with all of the kids. Once again, the hotness was next door to us. Then Trouble was on the same floor. He told me that he’d been calling and texting. I checked my phone and it had 13 texts from him, all pretty repetitive, saying things like “are you there” and “room 213.” I could see him or hear him somehow, he was in a hotel room, talking to some friends and drinking beer, completely cutting up. It was fun to watch him. I responded to the text, but it was like he was talking to me at the same time. He said now was the time, and I had to come and meet him in his room. The kids were awake and watching tv, and I said that perhaps now wasn’t the time. He then said maybe we should meet at night, and I explained the kids stay up late, so perhaps the afternoon was best, especially since the hotties next door could be back up.
I went to his room to meet him, and I got him naked, and the place where I bit him last time (on his lower abdomen, by the hip) was all nasty and bruised. I pointed it out to him, just in case he didn’t know, and he said that it was me that had the dark bruise, and I looked down, and I did. He had just the lightest of teeth marks.
I think that’s when I woke up and realize that I was late for work. I woke up with a mind full of Trouble.
For giggles, I looked at dream interpretation:
To see young lions, could denote new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended.
For a young woman to dream of young lions, could denote new and fascinating lovers.
To dream of seeing turtles, signifies that an unusual incident will cause you enjoyment, and improve your business conditions. It also indicates a bright change if you 'come out of your shell'.
To dream of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel.
If you dream of contracting a marriage, you might have unpleasant news from the absent.
For a young woman to dream that she is a bride, and unhappy or indifferent, foretells disappointments in love. She should be careful of her conduct, as enemies are near her.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bats in the Belfrey
Saturday’s dream:
I have the best dreams when I can sleep in; they always seem to be interesting and sexy.
This dream starred a previous classmate of mine. We were classmates again, and we were sitting in a theatre. It looked similar to the theatre at my old elementary school, with blonde wood folding chairs, a raised proscenium stage, and red velour curtains. I was sitting next to him, and he leaned in closely and said that he liked me. I wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly, since I didn’t expect to hear that. He leaned forward and spoke into my ear: I like you. I knew what he meant. I threw my arms around him, and said that I liked him too, but I was sure he didn’t. I kissed him, and began to unfold my personality in front of him (figuratively). I became a joyous, hyper sexual, confident woman, who was going to get him alone and naked as soon as possible. We were both really glad to be together.
We decided to go off to a dance club for some reason. I think it was because IF had gone ahead. We got there, a group of us girls, hoping to dance with him. He wasn’t on the floor when we got there. I wandered around the floor looking for him, and found him sitting to the side with a friend. He motioned me over, and we sat talking for a while. I updated him on the situation with the classmate, and both IF and I were happy to be talking to each other.
A girl came to me and told me there were bats in the theatre. I told her that there are usually bats in theatres. I told her about the bat in the theatre at OSU. But I knew that we may be teaching in the theatre, so I went to check it out. I saw the bat, it was asleep up in the fly rail, so I wasn’t really concerned about it, but then I saw about four bats. I asked my classmate/lover if we were having class in there, and he said they hadn’t replaced the lecturer for that class, so no clue. They had cancelled the intro classes for the term. I was thinking about going for the job, and classmate and I talked about whether or not the class could make at this point.
I have the best dreams when I can sleep in; they always seem to be interesting and sexy.
This dream starred a previous classmate of mine. We were classmates again, and we were sitting in a theatre. It looked similar to the theatre at my old elementary school, with blonde wood folding chairs, a raised proscenium stage, and red velour curtains. I was sitting next to him, and he leaned in closely and said that he liked me. I wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly, since I didn’t expect to hear that. He leaned forward and spoke into my ear: I like you. I knew what he meant. I threw my arms around him, and said that I liked him too, but I was sure he didn’t. I kissed him, and began to unfold my personality in front of him (figuratively). I became a joyous, hyper sexual, confident woman, who was going to get him alone and naked as soon as possible. We were both really glad to be together.
We decided to go off to a dance club for some reason. I think it was because IF had gone ahead. We got there, a group of us girls, hoping to dance with him. He wasn’t on the floor when we got there. I wandered around the floor looking for him, and found him sitting to the side with a friend. He motioned me over, and we sat talking for a while. I updated him on the situation with the classmate, and both IF and I were happy to be talking to each other.
A girl came to me and told me there were bats in the theatre. I told her that there are usually bats in theatres. I told her about the bat in the theatre at OSU. But I knew that we may be teaching in the theatre, so I went to check it out. I saw the bat, it was asleep up in the fly rail, so I wasn’t really concerned about it, but then I saw about four bats. I asked my classmate/lover if we were having class in there, and he said they hadn’t replaced the lecturer for that class, so no clue. They had cancelled the intro classes for the term. I was thinking about going for the job, and classmate and I talked about whether or not the class could make at this point.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I dreamt about trouble all night. Over and over again. Each time, I was trying to manage to see him, and each dream was begun and ended with the most trivial of activities.
The time I remember most is that I was at a park of some kind, there was a lot of people that he knew there. I wanted to take him home, but he said he couldn’t, because there were lots of things he had to think about. For instance, it had been raining a lot and my driveway was all muddy, and she would wonder where the mud came from. He wanted me to meet him after the event (I believe softball or something) and we could sit in his truck. It was parked amongst all kinds of trucks and campers. I told him I had no interest in trying to have sex in a truck. He then said that I could just meet him and we’d talk tonight, and then he’d come over to my place tomorrow because it would have dried by then. It seemed like a desperation tactic. I wasn’t impressed. I told him to text me when he was done, and we’d see. I went to a grocery store and got some ice cream and went home. I got the text, and he said he was just going home.
List of random memories from last night’s dreams:
**Shopping with my mother in a weird store, where we had to climb shelves to find the things we were looking for. I looked at stones and a keyboard for the son.
**Living in a big house with an infinity pool in the back. It was beautiful. My family lived there, and they had not saved for the purchase, they just kind of lucked into it. I remember feeling the breeze coming off the ocean in the back by the pool.
**Sleeping in a room with lots of men. I was part of a resistance cell, and I was sort of kidnapped into it. Part of the deal was that I had to service the men of the group. I was more than happy to service the first few that started the group, but as they added members, I was expected to move around more. I didn’t really want to, not because it was against my will or anything, but because I liked having the ones I’d already had. It was hard for me to remember who I was supposed to be with each night
**Big, drafty, abandoned buildings, with a freight elevator. I was moving amongst the buildings, and then was trying to get ready to celebrate new years with my friends. I found a mac counter in the upstairs, and was trying to find a sparkly red eye shadow. I was embarrassed to be there, because the MAC people looked at me funny. I felt unworthy and too poor to buy the stuff. I found a Mary Roach book on tape, and wanted to keep it, but I turned it in as lost. Then I worked at the toy store across the mall, and I had to use their bathroom, and I was embarrassed to be there again. It was like high school.
**I was staying at Dan Savage’s house, we had a big party, I ended up naked and sleeping in his bed, much to both of our chagrin the next morning. He teased me about it, but I knew he had enjoyed it. We teased back and forth for a while, and then I found my clothes and went home
**I called into work. The kids were home with me. We were going to watch the home improvement channel, because we were living in a drafty house that needed repairs, but the channel was broken
**I took the kids to a locally owned toy store, they were having an event, the kids had to find a picture or han solo figure in the store. The kids were running around looking, but the owner of the store had gathered up all of the han solo merchandise and pics, and was carrying them himself. He’d also hired goons to protect the stuff so that no one could win. I called them @ssholes and left.
The time I remember most is that I was at a park of some kind, there was a lot of people that he knew there. I wanted to take him home, but he said he couldn’t, because there were lots of things he had to think about. For instance, it had been raining a lot and my driveway was all muddy, and she would wonder where the mud came from. He wanted me to meet him after the event (I believe softball or something) and we could sit in his truck. It was parked amongst all kinds of trucks and campers. I told him I had no interest in trying to have sex in a truck. He then said that I could just meet him and we’d talk tonight, and then he’d come over to my place tomorrow because it would have dried by then. It seemed like a desperation tactic. I wasn’t impressed. I told him to text me when he was done, and we’d see. I went to a grocery store and got some ice cream and went home. I got the text, and he said he was just going home.
List of random memories from last night’s dreams:
**Shopping with my mother in a weird store, where we had to climb shelves to find the things we were looking for. I looked at stones and a keyboard for the son.
**Living in a big house with an infinity pool in the back. It was beautiful. My family lived there, and they had not saved for the purchase, they just kind of lucked into it. I remember feeling the breeze coming off the ocean in the back by the pool.
**Sleeping in a room with lots of men. I was part of a resistance cell, and I was sort of kidnapped into it. Part of the deal was that I had to service the men of the group. I was more than happy to service the first few that started the group, but as they added members, I was expected to move around more. I didn’t really want to, not because it was against my will or anything, but because I liked having the ones I’d already had. It was hard for me to remember who I was supposed to be with each night
**Big, drafty, abandoned buildings, with a freight elevator. I was moving amongst the buildings, and then was trying to get ready to celebrate new years with my friends. I found a mac counter in the upstairs, and was trying to find a sparkly red eye shadow. I was embarrassed to be there, because the MAC people looked at me funny. I felt unworthy and too poor to buy the stuff. I found a Mary Roach book on tape, and wanted to keep it, but I turned it in as lost. Then I worked at the toy store across the mall, and I had to use their bathroom, and I was embarrassed to be there again. It was like high school.
**I was staying at Dan Savage’s house, we had a big party, I ended up naked and sleeping in his bed, much to both of our chagrin the next morning. He teased me about it, but I knew he had enjoyed it. We teased back and forth for a while, and then I found my clothes and went home
**I called into work. The kids were home with me. We were going to watch the home improvement channel, because we were living in a drafty house that needed repairs, but the channel was broken
**I took the kids to a locally owned toy store, they were having an event, the kids had to find a picture or han solo figure in the store. The kids were running around looking, but the owner of the store had gathered up all of the han solo merchandise and pics, and was carrying them himself. He’d also hired goons to protect the stuff so that no one could win. I called them @ssholes and left.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Auntie Em
While I’m at it, there was another recent dream that sort of sticks with me. I was at my aunt’s house with Mr. Trent. My Aunt was an eccentric Auntie Mame type, an artist. She lived in a prairie style house, with two floors, and it was painted red, like a barn. We were sitting in the front yard, and she had some of her work displayed for sale. Mr. Trent and I were both drawn to a piece of art with an Asian flair. I said how much I wanted it, and he said he wanted it too. I pointed out that my aunt made it, so I probably had the upper hand. There was more to the dream, but I found it interesting that this part stays with me. In the interest of full disclosure, I had watched Twister right before having that dream.
300 Cups of Coffee
Taking another moment away from work I really need to get done, let me tell you what I can remember about a dream I had.
I was at a carnival/fair type event, and I discovered a tent where they had free coffee. I was so excited. They had all kinds of coffees and flavors. I made myself a big pitcher of iced coffee, and was drinking straight out of the pitcher. Then I thought that I needed some flavor, and was looking for some cream. I got it all mixed up, and then it occurred to me that I might look a little strange carrying around a pitcher of coffee at the fair. I looked around for something better to carry my beverage. There were cups, but they were way too small for the extraordinary amount of coffee I wanted. There was an adjoining room with stuff this organization hosting the coffee tent was selling garage sale style. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was really for sale or not. I spotted a big thermos, and it was only 25 cents, and I was thinking about taking it, and leaving the quarter, since no one else was around. Then a member of the org came in, showing some of the merchandise to someone. They started asking me questions like I knew, and it made me anxious, so I left, presumably with a lot of coffee.
Next, I was working, it was in a very similar environment to the attitude of the carnival. We worked in cubes that were like the Japanese sleeping hotels, cubes stacked on top of each other. My cube was really cushy, and upholstered in plush blue cushions. There was no chair, I sat on the floor of the cube and was very comfortable. I had my headset on, apparently I answered phones. There was a new guy in the cube behind me, he was very cute, and I was amusing myself with flirting with him. He was flirting back. A co-worker came around and commented on how I had already snapped up the new guy, and we both denied; I said I didn’t want to date him, but he was welcome to sleep over. Then, he climbed into my cube, and we started to kiss and touch each other, and I wondered if he was going to follow through.
I was at a carnival/fair type event, and I discovered a tent where they had free coffee. I was so excited. They had all kinds of coffees and flavors. I made myself a big pitcher of iced coffee, and was drinking straight out of the pitcher. Then I thought that I needed some flavor, and was looking for some cream. I got it all mixed up, and then it occurred to me that I might look a little strange carrying around a pitcher of coffee at the fair. I looked around for something better to carry my beverage. There were cups, but they were way too small for the extraordinary amount of coffee I wanted. There was an adjoining room with stuff this organization hosting the coffee tent was selling garage sale style. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was really for sale or not. I spotted a big thermos, and it was only 25 cents, and I was thinking about taking it, and leaving the quarter, since no one else was around. Then a member of the org came in, showing some of the merchandise to someone. They started asking me questions like I knew, and it made me anxious, so I left, presumably with a lot of coffee.
Next, I was working, it was in a very similar environment to the attitude of the carnival. We worked in cubes that were like the Japanese sleeping hotels, cubes stacked on top of each other. My cube was really cushy, and upholstered in plush blue cushions. There was no chair, I sat on the floor of the cube and was very comfortable. I had my headset on, apparently I answered phones. There was a new guy in the cube behind me, he was very cute, and I was amusing myself with flirting with him. He was flirting back. A co-worker came around and commented on how I had already snapped up the new guy, and we both denied; I said I didn’t want to date him, but he was welcome to sleep over. Then, he climbed into my cube, and we started to kiss and touch each other, and I wondered if he was going to follow through.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Boom Boom Pow
Parking in dad’s driveway, mfx’s truck was broken, he was driving a loaner that belched smoke. It was red and white and old. He was giving me a ride, I was late.
I was late, I went to the back of the building, a celebration was happening. I was told to go do fireworks on the back porch. The porch was high in the air, like we were in a treehouse or high rise, and I know my mom was there. We did the fireworks, they were amazing, and either myself or someone there had a hand in developing. Sparks went everywhere, but no one was burned. Right after popping mine, I turned around, and a man was there. He was attractive, but for some reason, I wanted to avoid him. An attractive woman joined him, and they both were intent on talking to me, and I was attracted to them, but wanted to stay away. I dodged them for a while, and then hid.
I was late, I went to the back of the building, a celebration was happening. I was told to go do fireworks on the back porch. The porch was high in the air, like we were in a treehouse or high rise, and I know my mom was there. We did the fireworks, they were amazing, and either myself or someone there had a hand in developing. Sparks went everywhere, but no one was burned. Right after popping mine, I turned around, and a man was there. He was attractive, but for some reason, I wanted to avoid him. An attractive woman joined him, and they both were intent on talking to me, and I was attracted to them, but wanted to stay away. I dodged them for a while, and then hid.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ogres are like onions
I had a dream that I was at BP’s house. He lived with two other guys. I was working with him on something in his kitchen, he was at a computer, and he kept extolling the benefits of certain fonts. He was like, “wow, arial round, now that’s a good font!” His roommate was in the kitchen with us, and they were starting to get ready for dinner. BP asked me to help them by peeling this plate of onions on the table that they were cutting. I don’t know what we were eating, but there were like 5-8 onions. I was talking or some such thing, and distracted by the fact that the shirt I had changed into, which I had bought at a thrift store, still had the staples from the tag on the sleeve. The roommate, who was a very introverted guy with long brown hair, noticed the staples and said something, and in a fit of bashfulness, fell out of his chair.
While on the ground, he noticed that the chair I was sitting on had a broken leg. I had bought it at the thrift store, and I had known the leg was not sturdy, but once he noticed it, the chair started to slowly slide to the floor underneath me. I had to acknowledge that I was sitting in a broken chair, and I was pretty embarrassed. I moved to another seat at the table, next to BP, and he reminded me that I was supposed to be peeling onions. The plate in front of me was now filled with onions sliced into circles, without being peeled. I guess they got tired of waiting for me. I sat there and talked to them, feeling content, while I peeled the skin off each layer of onion in the circle.
While on the ground, he noticed that the chair I was sitting on had a broken leg. I had bought it at the thrift store, and I had known the leg was not sturdy, but once he noticed it, the chair started to slowly slide to the floor underneath me. I had to acknowledge that I was sitting in a broken chair, and I was pretty embarrassed. I moved to another seat at the table, next to BP, and he reminded me that I was supposed to be peeling onions. The plate in front of me was now filled with onions sliced into circles, without being peeled. I guess they got tired of waiting for me. I sat there and talked to them, feeling content, while I peeled the skin off each layer of onion in the circle.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
three days' worth
Three nights ago:
I had a job interview with my current company. It was a job in upper management. I dressed for the interview very carefully, knowing how important it was. I got to the office, which was a separate office for the higher ups, full of glass and shiny metal, and lots of curves. I was greeted by a lady that works with me, and she told me she would be leading the interview. Both she and her coworker seemed calm and relaxed, and it just made me want to work there more. It seemed so low stress. I went into the interview area and sat across from the two women. They were sitting on a built in couch, that was long and curved, and I sat on a brown leather ottoman. When the interview was about to stop, the big boss came in. I thought he was just going to say hi, but after the introductions, he sat between the two women. He was with the woman I thought would be interviewing me, and he just hijacked it. He also sat between the two like he was Huggy Bear. He asked me some hard questions, but I managed to answer. Not good answers, but answers.
He didn’t want to hire me, but his women intervened on my behalf so I got the job. I was ecstatic. I went back home, which was a cute little English cabin covered in ivy. The next morning, I heard on the radio that a huge snow storm was coming, but it was my first day at corporate. I was trying to figure out if I needed to call in to my old job or the new job, or if it would be really horrible to call in on the first day. I called my coworker, and she told me she was staying home too. I had to go the grocery store so I could get food for the kids before we got snowed in.
Somehow, Shakespeare or the Olympics was involved. Maybe both.
Dream from two nights ago. I finally slept for a while, so less dreams to report. Ironic, huh?
I was at dinner with some old classmates. It was a restaurant in an older hotel, that looked rough, kind of like a cabin. I got up to go to the restaurant, and while I was gone, everyone got ready to go, and someone paid my bill. When I got back to the front of the restaurant, I found out someone paid my bill, and then someone started giving me a hard time about how I always ducked out so someone would pay my bill.
We left the restaurant, and we were looking to get to a friend’s house. It had been a long time, but it seemed that I was either driving or the person giving directions. We found our friend’s house, where a party was in full swing. It was a big house, about 50 years old, with the big siding that older houses tend to have. There were different things to do in each of the sections of the house. I had settled down to watch a movie in the living room with my friends. I was sitting on this wood floor, and put my hand down into something wet and warm, which turned out to be something from the inside of an animal. A pack of wild dogs streamed through the house, dropping bits of some animal as they went. I jumped up and ran out of the house, blood on my hands.
They got the dogs out, no one else really had a problem with them. I wasn’t quite ready to go back into the house. I went into a casino portion of the house, where I discovered my mother, on a date with a gambler and completely wasted. I left her in the care of a friend and went to find her date, to make him come take care of her. I went into the card gambler room and started calling his name, and got dirty looks from all the serious gamblers in their cowboy hats and bolero ties (and aviator glasses). I couldn’t yell for him anymore, and I couldn’t pick him out of the crowd of near identical gamblers.
I went back outside, where a bunch of old friends were milling around and talking. I was standing with two guys talking when my first boyfriend stood next to me, and we started to catch up. He looked much the same as when we were kids, but was taller. He was married, had brought his wife. I was disappointed. I was circulating, talking to different people, when he came back to me and said that he and his wife were swingers, and he had permission to offer me a place in their bed tonight. He was very bashful about the offer, as if he wasn’t sure how I’d take it. I enthusiastically informed him that I was down, as a bi girl who loved to share. I told him that his wife must be really cool. He took me to meet her, and she was a tall, dark haired woman. At first, she was attractive to me, but the more I talked to her, the more she appeared to be an older soccer mom type who wasn’t very interesting. I wasn’t looking forward to having her in bed.
Work dream from last night:
I was at work, a huge warehouse-looking place with very high ceilings, and cubicles in diagonal rows. This person told me I had messed up on some documents, so we were looking through the file (about four of us) to correct the error. It turned out it was a simple fix, some documents just needed to be mailed, but everyone was treating it like it was super complicated. Then it turned out that we had received the docs, and we were trying to find them. Three guys with a forklift decided they had seen the docs in a locker at the bowling alley. The locker had a big nine on it. When we got to the lockers at the bowling alley, there were ten sets of lockers, each set with a #9. I thought it was the last one, and I was feeling a lot of pressure to be right. It wasn’t there, and we had to go through them all. I was hurrying to find the docs, but the work crew had planted themselves in front of a big screen. They told me that they liked sitting there, and had no plans to hurry. So I sat down with them.
I was getting home from work, and my older sister rolled into the driveway in a older bright pink MG. She was selling some product, and I had bought some, and she was delivering it (from Virginia). She got out of the car, and was wearing a hot pink fleece pullover, and was commenting on how awesome the shirt was. We went into the house, and it looked like the place had been tossed. I went around, checking to see if anything had been taken, but I remember thinking the joke was on them, since I don’t have any valuables. I had taken the one valuable thing out the day before. More of my family members showed up: my mom and her husband, the kids. They were ready to go on some trip, and I was being rushed. I went around trying to make sure all the doors and windows were locked, since this was my dad’s house now, and I knew he’d be upset about the break-in. None of my stuff was stolen, but his might be. He had a coffee can full of cash somewhere that I knew he’d be concerned about.
I went to the sliding back door, and it was slightly open. I kept trying to shut the door, and the latch wouldn’t catch. I couldn’t lock it. The more I tried to shut it, the more impossible it was to make it shut. The gap was about 2 inches wide, and I realized that the door had been locked, but someone had pried it open with a crowbar. I was relieved that it wasn’t my fault that someone got in.
It seems that by this time, I had gotten a call from an old grad school friend, and I was trying to talk to him while all this was going on. Or we were texting or something. I can’t remember what the conversation was about. I really wish I could, though, because he’s hot.
I had a job interview with my current company. It was a job in upper management. I dressed for the interview very carefully, knowing how important it was. I got to the office, which was a separate office for the higher ups, full of glass and shiny metal, and lots of curves. I was greeted by a lady that works with me, and she told me she would be leading the interview. Both she and her coworker seemed calm and relaxed, and it just made me want to work there more. It seemed so low stress. I went into the interview area and sat across from the two women. They were sitting on a built in couch, that was long and curved, and I sat on a brown leather ottoman. When the interview was about to stop, the big boss came in. I thought he was just going to say hi, but after the introductions, he sat between the two women. He was with the woman I thought would be interviewing me, and he just hijacked it. He also sat between the two like he was Huggy Bear. He asked me some hard questions, but I managed to answer. Not good answers, but answers.
He didn’t want to hire me, but his women intervened on my behalf so I got the job. I was ecstatic. I went back home, which was a cute little English cabin covered in ivy. The next morning, I heard on the radio that a huge snow storm was coming, but it was my first day at corporate. I was trying to figure out if I needed to call in to my old job or the new job, or if it would be really horrible to call in on the first day. I called my coworker, and she told me she was staying home too. I had to go the grocery store so I could get food for the kids before we got snowed in.
Somehow, Shakespeare or the Olympics was involved. Maybe both.
Dream from two nights ago. I finally slept for a while, so less dreams to report. Ironic, huh?
I was at dinner with some old classmates. It was a restaurant in an older hotel, that looked rough, kind of like a cabin. I got up to go to the restaurant, and while I was gone, everyone got ready to go, and someone paid my bill. When I got back to the front of the restaurant, I found out someone paid my bill, and then someone started giving me a hard time about how I always ducked out so someone would pay my bill.
We left the restaurant, and we were looking to get to a friend’s house. It had been a long time, but it seemed that I was either driving or the person giving directions. We found our friend’s house, where a party was in full swing. It was a big house, about 50 years old, with the big siding that older houses tend to have. There were different things to do in each of the sections of the house. I had settled down to watch a movie in the living room with my friends. I was sitting on this wood floor, and put my hand down into something wet and warm, which turned out to be something from the inside of an animal. A pack of wild dogs streamed through the house, dropping bits of some animal as they went. I jumped up and ran out of the house, blood on my hands.
They got the dogs out, no one else really had a problem with them. I wasn’t quite ready to go back into the house. I went into a casino portion of the house, where I discovered my mother, on a date with a gambler and completely wasted. I left her in the care of a friend and went to find her date, to make him come take care of her. I went into the card gambler room and started calling his name, and got dirty looks from all the serious gamblers in their cowboy hats and bolero ties (and aviator glasses). I couldn’t yell for him anymore, and I couldn’t pick him out of the crowd of near identical gamblers.
I went back outside, where a bunch of old friends were milling around and talking. I was standing with two guys talking when my first boyfriend stood next to me, and we started to catch up. He looked much the same as when we were kids, but was taller. He was married, had brought his wife. I was disappointed. I was circulating, talking to different people, when he came back to me and said that he and his wife were swingers, and he had permission to offer me a place in their bed tonight. He was very bashful about the offer, as if he wasn’t sure how I’d take it. I enthusiastically informed him that I was down, as a bi girl who loved to share. I told him that his wife must be really cool. He took me to meet her, and she was a tall, dark haired woman. At first, she was attractive to me, but the more I talked to her, the more she appeared to be an older soccer mom type who wasn’t very interesting. I wasn’t looking forward to having her in bed.
Work dream from last night:
I was at work, a huge warehouse-looking place with very high ceilings, and cubicles in diagonal rows. This person told me I had messed up on some documents, so we were looking through the file (about four of us) to correct the error. It turned out it was a simple fix, some documents just needed to be mailed, but everyone was treating it like it was super complicated. Then it turned out that we had received the docs, and we were trying to find them. Three guys with a forklift decided they had seen the docs in a locker at the bowling alley. The locker had a big nine on it. When we got to the lockers at the bowling alley, there were ten sets of lockers, each set with a #9. I thought it was the last one, and I was feeling a lot of pressure to be right. It wasn’t there, and we had to go through them all. I was hurrying to find the docs, but the work crew had planted themselves in front of a big screen. They told me that they liked sitting there, and had no plans to hurry. So I sat down with them.
I was getting home from work, and my older sister rolled into the driveway in a older bright pink MG. She was selling some product, and I had bought some, and she was delivering it (from Virginia). She got out of the car, and was wearing a hot pink fleece pullover, and was commenting on how awesome the shirt was. We went into the house, and it looked like the place had been tossed. I went around, checking to see if anything had been taken, but I remember thinking the joke was on them, since I don’t have any valuables. I had taken the one valuable thing out the day before. More of my family members showed up: my mom and her husband, the kids. They were ready to go on some trip, and I was being rushed. I went around trying to make sure all the doors and windows were locked, since this was my dad’s house now, and I knew he’d be upset about the break-in. None of my stuff was stolen, but his might be. He had a coffee can full of cash somewhere that I knew he’d be concerned about.
I went to the sliding back door, and it was slightly open. I kept trying to shut the door, and the latch wouldn’t catch. I couldn’t lock it. The more I tried to shut it, the more impossible it was to make it shut. The gap was about 2 inches wide, and I realized that the door had been locked, but someone had pried it open with a crowbar. I was relieved that it wasn’t my fault that someone got in.
It seems that by this time, I had gotten a call from an old grad school friend, and I was trying to talk to him while all this was going on. Or we were texting or something. I can’t remember what the conversation was about. I really wish I could, though, because he’s hot.
break in,
ex boyfriend,
job interview,
old friends,
wild dogs,
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Dream-o-rama
Last night, starting from the top:
I was in a very hip bar, with lots of neon and shiny black surfaces. I was really craving a coffee though, so I got a mocha, and then afterwards decided I had better get my drink on, so I was asking a bartender to spike it. I had to locate my drink, and then presumably got set up. It was a birthday party for CC, her family had decided that as a present they would buy us all a suite off of the main bar area so we could crash afterwards. I was very excited about it, the suites were very plush, and I didn’t have to worry about driving. The others were much more excited about the prospect of bar hopping, and we were plotting our exploits. I can remember not being able to find the birthday girl.
I was teaching at a new college. It was a really small college with a rowdy clientele. In order to keep the students in line, Professor Snape (the academic dean) was staying in my classroom. After two classes, he decided that I had it under control, so he left the class. Almost immediately, the students started to act out. One student in particularly was disruptive, so I sent him out of the class. Others seemed to think this was a bonus, not a punishment, so a few more left after him. I was angry, so I made a pop quiz on the spot, and didn’t allow the students who came rushing in afterward to take the quiz. It didn’t seem to help. Also, I had no idea what I was talking about up there, so it was difficult to teach. I had only made one question on the pop quiz, while all the time pretending like it was a scheduled quiz that I had planned.
I decided that I should go to the big hippie supermarket. I wanted some fresh fruit. I headed into the place, and it was a dirty, dingy-looking gardening store. I walked through the main building out to the back where they had plants for sale. I found a lot of dishes with guacamole in one little area. I didn’t get it. I didn’t want guacamole or avocado. That was the only food area they had, with about 20 prepared dishes, mostly avocado. I walked around the rest of the store pretty quickly, and decided to move on. I found a few matches in the back of the garden area, and as I was walking away, I flicked one with my thumb. It lit quickly, and I threw it down on the ground and walked into the main store. As I walked into the back of the main store, I saw reflected in the window that my match had lit a fire around a tractor where I had been. The flames were small, but every time I looked again, they had grown. They started to lick around the wheels, and then the fire was a blaze, lighting the grass around the area. The whole time, I was debating whether to confess and go tell someone what I had done. By the time the grass had started to burn, the employees had noticed the fire and had started to put it out with sacks and shovels of dirt. Then there were firemen on the site, and the fire was out.
I went into the building, and there were a few rooms in the back, like a hotel. I went to the back, and saw someone I knew, and realized that there was a kind of theatre people reunion/retreat/conference going on. The place was booked up, so I couldn’t stay, but I could stay for the dinner and see all the people that I had known again. I was excited to see everyone coming in.
I was going camping with the housekeeper. It seemed like it was the youngest’s idea. She was very excited, and was in a tent in preparation for the event. I was trying to get stuff ready for the trip, I was cooking baked goods to pack. I had myself a slave of sorts, if you know what I mean. A valet, a man to see to my needs, all my needs. I had him packing up for me, and he was preparing something for me. There were vats of blue, and he had to cut a shape into them. They were rectangular, and he would cut a kind of triangular shape, and then he would have to dig. I realized he was remote controlled, and every time I pushed the button he would dig, so I pushed the A button really fast, and he was done in no time. I realized that I could use the same approach for my baking, so I used the remote to turn my baked goods, and I was really excited because whatever I was baking had a tendency to burn so it was really convenient. The housekeeper was strangely ok with my valet, and he was very supportive of me baking with him. He wanted everything to be nice for him, like he was his friend.
I was in a very hip bar, with lots of neon and shiny black surfaces. I was really craving a coffee though, so I got a mocha, and then afterwards decided I had better get my drink on, so I was asking a bartender to spike it. I had to locate my drink, and then presumably got set up. It was a birthday party for CC, her family had decided that as a present they would buy us all a suite off of the main bar area so we could crash afterwards. I was very excited about it, the suites were very plush, and I didn’t have to worry about driving. The others were much more excited about the prospect of bar hopping, and we were plotting our exploits. I can remember not being able to find the birthday girl.
I was teaching at a new college. It was a really small college with a rowdy clientele. In order to keep the students in line, Professor Snape (the academic dean) was staying in my classroom. After two classes, he decided that I had it under control, so he left the class. Almost immediately, the students started to act out. One student in particularly was disruptive, so I sent him out of the class. Others seemed to think this was a bonus, not a punishment, so a few more left after him. I was angry, so I made a pop quiz on the spot, and didn’t allow the students who came rushing in afterward to take the quiz. It didn’t seem to help. Also, I had no idea what I was talking about up there, so it was difficult to teach. I had only made one question on the pop quiz, while all the time pretending like it was a scheduled quiz that I had planned.
I decided that I should go to the big hippie supermarket. I wanted some fresh fruit. I headed into the place, and it was a dirty, dingy-looking gardening store. I walked through the main building out to the back where they had plants for sale. I found a lot of dishes with guacamole in one little area. I didn’t get it. I didn’t want guacamole or avocado. That was the only food area they had, with about 20 prepared dishes, mostly avocado. I walked around the rest of the store pretty quickly, and decided to move on. I found a few matches in the back of the garden area, and as I was walking away, I flicked one with my thumb. It lit quickly, and I threw it down on the ground and walked into the main store. As I walked into the back of the main store, I saw reflected in the window that my match had lit a fire around a tractor where I had been. The flames were small, but every time I looked again, they had grown. They started to lick around the wheels, and then the fire was a blaze, lighting the grass around the area. The whole time, I was debating whether to confess and go tell someone what I had done. By the time the grass had started to burn, the employees had noticed the fire and had started to put it out with sacks and shovels of dirt. Then there were firemen on the site, and the fire was out.
I went into the building, and there were a few rooms in the back, like a hotel. I went to the back, and saw someone I knew, and realized that there was a kind of theatre people reunion/retreat/conference going on. The place was booked up, so I couldn’t stay, but I could stay for the dinner and see all the people that I had known again. I was excited to see everyone coming in.
I was going camping with the housekeeper. It seemed like it was the youngest’s idea. She was very excited, and was in a tent in preparation for the event. I was trying to get stuff ready for the trip, I was cooking baked goods to pack. I had myself a slave of sorts, if you know what I mean. A valet, a man to see to my needs, all my needs. I had him packing up for me, and he was preparing something for me. There were vats of blue, and he had to cut a shape into them. They were rectangular, and he would cut a kind of triangular shape, and then he would have to dig. I realized he was remote controlled, and every time I pushed the button he would dig, so I pushed the A button really fast, and he was done in no time. I realized that I could use the same approach for my baking, so I used the remote to turn my baked goods, and I was really excited because whatever I was baking had a tendency to burn so it was really convenient. The housekeeper was strangely ok with my valet, and he was very supportive of me baking with him. He wanted everything to be nice for him, like he was his friend.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
hot librarian
I was at the library with Pink and Sparkly and Lora Mae, maybe Chutah. We were looking through the movies for something to watch, but I kept looking back to the male librarian at the desk, who was absolutely scrummy. All of the movies were Christmas movies, and I wondered aloud why that was, and I was informed by my friends that they liked to keep lots of those on hand for homeless people. It was cold at Christmas, so they came into the library, and this way, they had something to watch and keep up their spirits.
We found some movies that were wrapped like presents. Patrons had given the library Christmas gifts, and they hadn’t opened them. Pink/Sparkly and Lora Mae went to the librarian to find out if they could open them for the library. I stayed with the presents, because I was too shy to talk to the librarian, and while standing there, I found big magnum bottle of champagne. I was messing with the top of the bottle, nervously, and loosened the cork, which shot out of the bottle and hit me right underneath the eye.
I was embarrassed, and the girls ran back over to check out what was going on. They were trying to convince me that I needed to go tell the librarian what I’d done, but I didn’t want to, especially since I opened their booze and I was developing a nice black eye, and the librarian was still hot hot hot. They went to sort it out for me. I believe he came over to check on me, but my brain seems to have censored the good part.
I was driving a motorcycle, but it was one of those trike things, and it had a full back seat part to it. My sister and her husband and child were sitting in the back, and I was driving them somewhere kind of far. We were hurtling down the road, and I can remember my hair streaming out behind me. Suddenly, it started to hail. Big, golfball to softball size hail. I was worried about the baby getting brained, so we pulled over to the rest station on the highway, which was about fifteen stories high. We were looking for a place to sit and rest, but everyone was inside due to the hail. We finally got a place, and it turned out that it was because the hail had stopped.
I was at the library with Pink and Sparkly and Lora Mae, maybe Chutah. We were looking through the movies for something to watch, but I kept looking back to the male librarian at the desk, who was absolutely scrummy. All of the movies were Christmas movies, and I wondered aloud why that was, and I was informed by my friends that they liked to keep lots of those on hand for homeless people. It was cold at Christmas, so they came into the library, and this way, they had something to watch and keep up their spirits.
We found some movies that were wrapped like presents. Patrons had given the library Christmas gifts, and they hadn’t opened them. Pink/Sparkly and Lora Mae went to the librarian to find out if they could open them for the library. I stayed with the presents, because I was too shy to talk to the librarian, and while standing there, I found big magnum bottle of champagne. I was messing with the top of the bottle, nervously, and loosened the cork, which shot out of the bottle and hit me right underneath the eye.
I was embarrassed, and the girls ran back over to check out what was going on. They were trying to convince me that I needed to go tell the librarian what I’d done, but I didn’t want to, especially since I opened their booze and I was developing a nice black eye, and the librarian was still hot hot hot. They went to sort it out for me. I believe he came over to check on me, but my brain seems to have censored the good part.
I was driving a motorcycle, but it was one of those trike things, and it had a full back seat part to it. My sister and her husband and child were sitting in the back, and I was driving them somewhere kind of far. We were hurtling down the road, and I can remember my hair streaming out behind me. Suddenly, it started to hail. Big, golfball to softball size hail. I was worried about the baby getting brained, so we pulled over to the rest station on the highway, which was about fifteen stories high. We were looking for a place to sit and rest, but everyone was inside due to the hail. We finally got a place, and it turned out that it was because the hail had stopped.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
death, murder, grief
I just had deja vu posting this dream. Double weird
Last weekend’s dreamstravaganza (all in one night actually):
I went camping with three women, at first it was like we were all Sex and the City in the woods, and then later, it was my three aunts and myself. As we were walking, my aunt with dark hair stopped to pick up a little fluffy animal of some kind and out of nowhere, a pterodactyl swooped her up in its mouth. It wanted the little fluffy animal, so we were pretty sure we saw the pterodactyl drop her. We started searching for her, while asking each other if the others knew that pterodactyls weren’t extinct after all.
All my uncles and my dad came out and we built up our campsite as we looked for my aunt. We were all pretty sure she had died, but we didn’t want to give up. It was all very sad. My dad was there, and pointed out that it was my birthday. There was a jeweler there in our little encampment, and dad wanted to buy me something for my birthday. I was going to pick a simple pair of earrings, because I didn’t want my dad to spend to much, but my sister was pushing me to take advantage of the situation, so I believe I got the earrings and necklace set.
I was living in a house with two bohemian types. They were a couple (girl/boy). My entire family came to get together and have a reunion in this very old house, and the couple invited everyone down to the basement area for a show. They had converted it into a black box theatre with lots of black and gleaming walnut wood. The began the show, and invited people up on stage, and then they began to massacre everyone present, except for me. I was shocked, horrified, and scared. I didn’t know that they were capable of that. They were pleased with the results, and they took me upstairs into this white, Victorian style room with a big bed in the center, and they cut off all my hair. It was cut very short, because they thought it would be appropriate for me to be in mourning. I was scared and wanted to go to the police, but didn’t think I could make it before they found out and killed me.
I was in the kitchen with my sister, helping her to clean. I was washing the counters, and it was obvious from the state of them that they hadn’t been washed in a long time. There were hard crusty bits, and I had to scrub really hard. Sister was in the kitchen, working with me, but I knew she wasn’t working hard, just there to be with me. She told me that it was my fault that our parents had died. I was already in mourning for them. After she told me that, I was twice as sad. I left the house and wandered around town. I was in a hotel, and the porter at the hotel also worked for my psychologist, and he was telling me that I needed to come back and see her. This was not a dream of action, more of emotion. It was the last one before I woke up, and when I did, I felt like I was drowning in grief.
Last weekend’s dreamstravaganza (all in one night actually):
I went camping with three women, at first it was like we were all Sex and the City in the woods, and then later, it was my three aunts and myself. As we were walking, my aunt with dark hair stopped to pick up a little fluffy animal of some kind and out of nowhere, a pterodactyl swooped her up in its mouth. It wanted the little fluffy animal, so we were pretty sure we saw the pterodactyl drop her. We started searching for her, while asking each other if the others knew that pterodactyls weren’t extinct after all.
All my uncles and my dad came out and we built up our campsite as we looked for my aunt. We were all pretty sure she had died, but we didn’t want to give up. It was all very sad. My dad was there, and pointed out that it was my birthday. There was a jeweler there in our little encampment, and dad wanted to buy me something for my birthday. I was going to pick a simple pair of earrings, because I didn’t want my dad to spend to much, but my sister was pushing me to take advantage of the situation, so I believe I got the earrings and necklace set.
I was living in a house with two bohemian types. They were a couple (girl/boy). My entire family came to get together and have a reunion in this very old house, and the couple invited everyone down to the basement area for a show. They had converted it into a black box theatre with lots of black and gleaming walnut wood. The began the show, and invited people up on stage, and then they began to massacre everyone present, except for me. I was shocked, horrified, and scared. I didn’t know that they were capable of that. They were pleased with the results, and they took me upstairs into this white, Victorian style room with a big bed in the center, and they cut off all my hair. It was cut very short, because they thought it would be appropriate for me to be in mourning. I was scared and wanted to go to the police, but didn’t think I could make it before they found out and killed me.
I was in the kitchen with my sister, helping her to clean. I was washing the counters, and it was obvious from the state of them that they hadn’t been washed in a long time. There were hard crusty bits, and I had to scrub really hard. Sister was in the kitchen, working with me, but I knew she wasn’t working hard, just there to be with me. She told me that it was my fault that our parents had died. I was already in mourning for them. After she told me that, I was twice as sad. I left the house and wandered around town. I was in a hotel, and the porter at the hotel also worked for my psychologist, and he was telling me that I needed to come back and see her. This was not a dream of action, more of emotion. It was the last one before I woke up, and when I did, I felt like I was drowning in grief.
hot for teacher
In an effort to purge these from my brain, here goes a week’s worth of dreams:
Last night:
Multiple dreams, but the one that stays with me is that I was at dinner with my sister and her family and a guy sat down at our table. He was a dirty-looking man. My sister assumed he was homeless, and offered to buy him a steak dinner. I was thinking about how generous she was, and how I wished I could be more like that when he informed her that he wasn’t homeless or dirty, he was black, and it was weird of her to assume he was homeless, because all of a sudden he was well groomed and in nice clothes. Awk-ward. Anyway, he said he came over because he wanted to talk to me. He asked me out and we later went on a date. I had morphed into an ugly girl, like the lady on Britain’s got talent that everybody is talking about. It turned out he was in finance, and he took me to like Enterprise Square, all financial hands-on type exhibits, with lots of flashing lights and such. I was very amused. He drug me away from the exhibits, and the date was over, I thought pleasantly for everyone.
Back to my normal self, I’m teaching a class of adults, but we’re in a grade school classroom. I had given them an assignment, and was going over the work I had gotten so far, but the adults were rowdy, and they were pushing my buttons. One person needed more paper, but all I had were these half pages. The frustration level in the classroom continued to rise, and I was fed up, so I went over to the windows and opened them. A storm was approaching, I could tell it was about to rain, the wind blew in one window and out the other, despite being on the same wall. Immediately the tension in the room eased. I remember thinking that people can get a little crazy when it’s about to storm and fresh air always helps. The class seemed to agree.
We had a cupboard with a pet area, it appeared that we had managed to kill off two of our pets. They were gone. One was a mouse/hamster, but I don’t remember the other one. The rabbit was left. A zookeeper type guy came in and said he wanted to introduce our bunny to another bunny, a male bunny. He wanted to know if ours was a female bunny. He told me that all the younger classes had a female bunny, and they were all named Bimbo. He went on to tell me that she was a lion, and he was a tiger, so we might get a liger out of the deal.
The phone rang across the room, and I went to answer it. It was my financial beau, and he said that with the military, his full time job, and school he just didn’t have time to date. I turned around and the class had become my AFB class, and told them I just got dumped because he didn’t have time. I had been dating one of the students too, apparently, because he chose that moment to tell me he was having the same problem, and he was going to have to break up with me too. Another member of the class asked me out, and I knew what was coming, a joke about breaking up with me because he was too busy.
Nevermind a week’s worth. One dream was too long. I’ll try to come back and purge more later.
Last night:
Multiple dreams, but the one that stays with me is that I was at dinner with my sister and her family and a guy sat down at our table. He was a dirty-looking man. My sister assumed he was homeless, and offered to buy him a steak dinner. I was thinking about how generous she was, and how I wished I could be more like that when he informed her that he wasn’t homeless or dirty, he was black, and it was weird of her to assume he was homeless, because all of a sudden he was well groomed and in nice clothes. Awk-ward. Anyway, he said he came over because he wanted to talk to me. He asked me out and we later went on a date. I had morphed into an ugly girl, like the lady on Britain’s got talent that everybody is talking about. It turned out he was in finance, and he took me to like Enterprise Square, all financial hands-on type exhibits, with lots of flashing lights and such. I was very amused. He drug me away from the exhibits, and the date was over, I thought pleasantly for everyone.
Back to my normal self, I’m teaching a class of adults, but we’re in a grade school classroom. I had given them an assignment, and was going over the work I had gotten so far, but the adults were rowdy, and they were pushing my buttons. One person needed more paper, but all I had were these half pages. The frustration level in the classroom continued to rise, and I was fed up, so I went over to the windows and opened them. A storm was approaching, I could tell it was about to rain, the wind blew in one window and out the other, despite being on the same wall. Immediately the tension in the room eased. I remember thinking that people can get a little crazy when it’s about to storm and fresh air always helps. The class seemed to agree.
We had a cupboard with a pet area, it appeared that we had managed to kill off two of our pets. They were gone. One was a mouse/hamster, but I don’t remember the other one. The rabbit was left. A zookeeper type guy came in and said he wanted to introduce our bunny to another bunny, a male bunny. He wanted to know if ours was a female bunny. He told me that all the younger classes had a female bunny, and they were all named Bimbo. He went on to tell me that she was a lion, and he was a tiger, so we might get a liger out of the deal.
The phone rang across the room, and I went to answer it. It was my financial beau, and he said that with the military, his full time job, and school he just didn’t have time to date. I turned around and the class had become my AFB class, and told them I just got dumped because he didn’t have time. I had been dating one of the students too, apparently, because he chose that moment to tell me he was having the same problem, and he was going to have to break up with me too. Another member of the class asked me out, and I knew what was coming, a joke about breaking up with me because he was too busy.
Nevermind a week’s worth. One dream was too long. I’ll try to come back and purge more later.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
lots of changes
I had a dream that I was dyeing my hair. At first, I was dyeing it blue and black. I was going for a vertical stripe effect, first blue, then black, then blue, etc. As I got it all on, I realized that all of the colors had bled together. So I tried again. This time, I cut my hair super short and cute, like anime short, dyed the top half of my hair pink, and the bottom half black. I liked it. It seems to have occurred to me later that this isn't the most professional look.
I need to get to this blog in the mornings, because I had a dream that was clear all day, and it has left me now. The dream above is a few days old.
I need to get to this blog in the mornings, because I had a dream that was clear all day, and it has left me now. The dream above is a few days old.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Last night’s dream: I was assigned to a project with a beautiful dark-haired man. There was a three dimensional wooden puzzle that was multi-level and included water in sections running throughout. I flipped and rearranged blocks to complete the paths of dotted lines of different colors—red, yellow, blue, green. I worked pretty quickly, while the man stood at the bottom of the puzzle, about calf-deep in water. I finished, and went to stand by the attractive young man. There was a goofy, romantic kind of tension
Flash forward, and I was trying to get ready for another project with this guy. I had been assigned to work with him on getting some carpentry done for some houses. I wanted to look really good for him. I was at my dad’s house, and was having trouble finding something to wear. Every pair of jeans I tried on didn’t fit, or were too short, or something. I was rattling around in my dad’s room, and realized he was still there. He griped at me for being late, because they needed that stuff, and said he wasn’t going to do the finish work that day because it wouldn’t be finished. When I finally left the house, it was dark, and it was too late to work. I realized it was Sunday, and I wouldn’t be able to help at all.
Flash forward, and I was trying to get ready for another project with this guy. I had been assigned to work with him on getting some carpentry done for some houses. I wanted to look really good for him. I was at my dad’s house, and was having trouble finding something to wear. Every pair of jeans I tried on didn’t fit, or were too short, or something. I was rattling around in my dad’s room, and realized he was still there. He griped at me for being late, because they needed that stuff, and said he wasn’t going to do the finish work that day because it wouldn’t be finished. When I finally left the house, it was dark, and it was too late to work. I realized it was Sunday, and I wouldn’t be able to help at all.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Party Time
I need to be working, papers are piled high all around, but wanted to document the latest dream. I had a dream that I was attending a work party. I was divided about the event—I wanted to get really drunk, but I also didn’t want to go. I was at the party, and it was in a really nice place with lots of wood paneling (the real kind, not the bad kind) and everything was very nice. I was convinced that I should be drunk by the time we headed over to the next venue. I went to the bar, where a nice looking bartender gave me a jack and coke (the first time I tried to order I asked for it incorrectly, something like a jack and whiskey). I took my drink, and went over to a seating area nearby, and sat next to another nice looking man, and READ A BOOK. For about an hour, nursing a drink. Lora Mae and Cotton Candy were there, off dancing I presume, as well as my two work friends, and I was content to read.
After about an hour, I remembered I was supposed to be getting incredibly plastered and went back to the bar. I got another jack and coke, and since I was concerned that I was behind schedule on the drinking, I ordered a round of four shots. After some deliberation, I decided to go with the traditional shot for the work friends, purple hooters.
In dream-like fashion, I was immediately in the car with Lora Mae. We were headed to the next venue. I was very concerned about what happened to the missing time, but more importantly to the missing shots. Lora Mae knew nothing of them, which made me wonder if I had drank them all, or left them at the bar. I was very concerned about this. I was also drunk and driving. We were driving through an industrial-looking part of the city, and there was a cop two lanes over. I panicked and swerved or something stupid, and the cop’s lights came on. Fortunately, the drunk in the car right in front of him had his attention. We continued on to the next party.
At the next party, I quickly found another chair to sit in. This place was not as nice, but similar-looking, and seemed to be contained in an upscale mall. There were much fewer people here. I was sitting in a basic folding chair, and a model type woman and fabulous man decided that I should really wear make-up when going out, so they put some on me. I remember the man rubbing lip gloss into my lips. I left the room I was in and headed downstairs to wander around. I found a group of work people sitting around smoking; my bosses’ boss was with them. They were talking about sensitive stuff, so when I came in, they stopped, and the boss made eyes at me and made small talk with me, hoping I wouldn’t notice.
They left, and I continued to walk around the mall area. My friends found me, and I ditched them. It seems that I climbed a balcony to get away. I ended up sitting in a not as nice section of the mall with Lora Mae, while a guy from work helped me with something to do with my car.
The next part I remember is being in a Wal-Mart Parking lot and it was just weird random stuff involving toilet paper. I think we’re running low at the house, lol. General impressions: lots of focus on alcohol, being surrounded by attractive people, knowing people were there but not seeing them, my own state of attractiveness
After about an hour, I remembered I was supposed to be getting incredibly plastered and went back to the bar. I got another jack and coke, and since I was concerned that I was behind schedule on the drinking, I ordered a round of four shots. After some deliberation, I decided to go with the traditional shot for the work friends, purple hooters.
In dream-like fashion, I was immediately in the car with Lora Mae. We were headed to the next venue. I was very concerned about what happened to the missing time, but more importantly to the missing shots. Lora Mae knew nothing of them, which made me wonder if I had drank them all, or left them at the bar. I was very concerned about this. I was also drunk and driving. We were driving through an industrial-looking part of the city, and there was a cop two lanes over. I panicked and swerved or something stupid, and the cop’s lights came on. Fortunately, the drunk in the car right in front of him had his attention. We continued on to the next party.
At the next party, I quickly found another chair to sit in. This place was not as nice, but similar-looking, and seemed to be contained in an upscale mall. There were much fewer people here. I was sitting in a basic folding chair, and a model type woman and fabulous man decided that I should really wear make-up when going out, so they put some on me. I remember the man rubbing lip gloss into my lips. I left the room I was in and headed downstairs to wander around. I found a group of work people sitting around smoking; my bosses’ boss was with them. They were talking about sensitive stuff, so when I came in, they stopped, and the boss made eyes at me and made small talk with me, hoping I wouldn’t notice.
They left, and I continued to walk around the mall area. My friends found me, and I ditched them. It seems that I climbed a balcony to get away. I ended up sitting in a not as nice section of the mall with Lora Mae, while a guy from work helped me with something to do with my car.
The next part I remember is being in a Wal-Mart Parking lot and it was just weird random stuff involving toilet paper. I think we’re running low at the house, lol. General impressions: lots of focus on alcohol, being surrounded by attractive people, knowing people were there but not seeing them, my own state of attractiveness
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Older Men
As briefly described on Twitter, here is the dream about older men. Somehow, I ended up stranded in a tropical paradise with a ship full of people. We crash landed with no hope of escape, and found a magical castle type place that had incredible rooms that change to fit the needs of the owners. The captain of the ship was Jack Nicholson (liver spots and all) and one of the passengers was James Garner (more liver spots). Despite the number of people on board the ship, both of these gentlemen found me irresistable. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to pursue an affair with two men so much older than me.
My libido got the better of me, and I went to Jack first. He was sitting outside on a crate, the beautiful island sunset a backdrop behind him. He was talking to another old man, as old men do. When he saw me, he said goodbye to his friend, and we went inside the establishment to find some quiet. The first room was enormous with ceilings that were probably twenty feet high, and on one side of the room were these massive steps with each step about five foot high and covered in green silk. Most of the passengers were sleeping on these stairs. The passengers having sex were distributed throughout the rest of the house, which had marble floors and looked like a french castle from the 1700s.
As we walked through the house, Jack told me that the rooms in the castle changed to suit the needs of the people inhabiting them. Every room we passed was full, but we kept going. We reached the end of the hall, but determined, we turned and kept looking. We found a room that was completely filled with a huge bed, with dark green sheets. I don't remember a comforter or cover of any kind. The lighting in the room was purple.
We had sex. I don't remember having sex with James, but I know it happened. I left the island to visit my parents, and I remember them having a new puppy, and I remember missing the island, and wanting to return to it and my lovers. Turns out, a la Dorothy, all I really needed was to want to go and I was back.
There was some kind of university/greek row on our island, and my friend Chutah was a student living in one of the houses. I was hanging out with her, and we went back to her room in the Greek house. There we found Jack behind the door. He had a knife, and some chain, and had planned to tie her up and have his way with her. He didn't understand how this was a bad thing. When he didn't get it, and still wanted to carry out his plans (that could potentially harm her) I had to call the cops. They came to arrest him, and I had to explain that he was my elderly lover that didn't understand that everyone didn't want to be chained. Before they took him away, I told him that it would have been fine if he wanted to do that to me. He didn't understand women at all.
Needless to say, I woke up thinking that maybe I should look into some older men. lol.
My libido got the better of me, and I went to Jack first. He was sitting outside on a crate, the beautiful island sunset a backdrop behind him. He was talking to another old man, as old men do. When he saw me, he said goodbye to his friend, and we went inside the establishment to find some quiet. The first room was enormous with ceilings that were probably twenty feet high, and on one side of the room were these massive steps with each step about five foot high and covered in green silk. Most of the passengers were sleeping on these stairs. The passengers having sex were distributed throughout the rest of the house, which had marble floors and looked like a french castle from the 1700s.
As we walked through the house, Jack told me that the rooms in the castle changed to suit the needs of the people inhabiting them. Every room we passed was full, but we kept going. We reached the end of the hall, but determined, we turned and kept looking. We found a room that was completely filled with a huge bed, with dark green sheets. I don't remember a comforter or cover of any kind. The lighting in the room was purple.
We had sex. I don't remember having sex with James, but I know it happened. I left the island to visit my parents, and I remember them having a new puppy, and I remember missing the island, and wanting to return to it and my lovers. Turns out, a la Dorothy, all I really needed was to want to go and I was back.
There was some kind of university/greek row on our island, and my friend Chutah was a student living in one of the houses. I was hanging out with her, and we went back to her room in the Greek house. There we found Jack behind the door. He had a knife, and some chain, and had planned to tie her up and have his way with her. He didn't understand how this was a bad thing. When he didn't get it, and still wanted to carry out his plans (that could potentially harm her) I had to call the cops. They came to arrest him, and I had to explain that he was my elderly lover that didn't understand that everyone didn't want to be chained. Before they took him away, I told him that it would have been fine if he wanted to do that to me. He didn't understand women at all.
Needless to say, I woke up thinking that maybe I should look into some older men. lol.
Jack Nicholson,
James Garner,
Monday, January 26, 2009
Change We Can Believe In
I think this is my first political dream. I had a dream that the kids and I were travelling with my mom to the inauguration. I remember going down a bunch of stone steps, excited to be there. It was the excitement of travel plus the excitement of the new administration.
I was sitting on top of a big wooden scaffold in front of a building. Below, was a grassy area. There was a line of people behind me. My mom was on the ground, calling for me to come down. Apparently, in order to vote, you had to jump off this wooden scaffolding high above the ground. I was scared. The guy in front of me scoffed at me and tried to push me to jump. I didn't want to. People were waiting for me to do it; they all wanted their chance to express themselves. I don't know if I was ever able to commit.
I was sitting on top of a big wooden scaffold in front of a building. Below, was a grassy area. There was a line of people behind me. My mom was on the ground, calling for me to come down. Apparently, in order to vote, you had to jump off this wooden scaffolding high above the ground. I was scared. The guy in front of me scoffed at me and tried to push me to jump. I didn't want to. People were waiting for me to do it; they all wanted their chance to express themselves. I don't know if I was ever able to commit.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Alcohol induced dreams to follow:
I was at the alma mater, walking through the computer lab. I saw my old crush (from work) and while he was there on business, he kept me hanging around instead of sending me on my way, like I expected. He was touching my hands and hugging me, and I was very happy to be there with him. It got to be night, and we were out front of the university, and the moon was shining brightly, and we were slow dancing on the university lawn. It was so beautiful, and there was water trickling around us in little features. We were both supposed to be somewhere else, but it didn't matter. We stopped dancing, and he told me that he'd been thinking of me and how I told him that the biggest mistake I had ever made was letting him go, and he said that had moved him, and he wanted to be with me. I was ecstatic. Even better, then we spent the night together.
Part two of the dream involved telling the housekeeper the news. He had moved in with three white trash people and their kids in a broken down trailer. I stopped by, expecting to tell him that I was for sure done, moving on, and as I sat with him, waiting for a good moment to break the news, he somehow realized that he was still in love with me, and didn't want to live with the trailer trash, but wanted to live with me instead. This caused me a little consternation, because I didn't want him. I mean, I was hopeful when he said this, but then my brain said, look where he's living, and he'll still have the same issues with sex. I told him about the sex issue, and he started having sex with me, but in some new way that involved no actual body contact, and that was all in the mind. I could feel him inside of me, but it was some kind of projected idea, and he was very proud that he could do it while being on the other side of the house. Which he did to demonstrate, while the two bleach blond trailer women gave pointers. I tried to explain that sex wasn't about long distance mind tricks, and he didn't understand. Then, he kept trying to get his stuff together, and was talking about moving out with me. He was getting all his stuff together, and making plans, and I went out to the car. More trailer people were out there, and not wanting me to go, but I tricked them, and jumped in my car, locked the doors, and took off, giving them the finger as I left.
I was at the alma mater, walking through the computer lab. I saw my old crush (from work) and while he was there on business, he kept me hanging around instead of sending me on my way, like I expected. He was touching my hands and hugging me, and I was very happy to be there with him. It got to be night, and we were out front of the university, and the moon was shining brightly, and we were slow dancing on the university lawn. It was so beautiful, and there was water trickling around us in little features. We were both supposed to be somewhere else, but it didn't matter. We stopped dancing, and he told me that he'd been thinking of me and how I told him that the biggest mistake I had ever made was letting him go, and he said that had moved him, and he wanted to be with me. I was ecstatic. Even better, then we spent the night together.
Part two of the dream involved telling the housekeeper the news. He had moved in with three white trash people and their kids in a broken down trailer. I stopped by, expecting to tell him that I was for sure done, moving on, and as I sat with him, waiting for a good moment to break the news, he somehow realized that he was still in love with me, and didn't want to live with the trailer trash, but wanted to live with me instead. This caused me a little consternation, because I didn't want him. I mean, I was hopeful when he said this, but then my brain said, look where he's living, and he'll still have the same issues with sex. I told him about the sex issue, and he started having sex with me, but in some new way that involved no actual body contact, and that was all in the mind. I could feel him inside of me, but it was some kind of projected idea, and he was very proud that he could do it while being on the other side of the house. Which he did to demonstrate, while the two bleach blond trailer women gave pointers. I tried to explain that sex wasn't about long distance mind tricks, and he didn't understand. Then, he kept trying to get his stuff together, and was talking about moving out with me. He was getting all his stuff together, and making plans, and I went out to the car. More trailer people were out there, and not wanting me to go, but I tricked them, and jumped in my car, locked the doors, and took off, giving them the finger as I left.
Friday, January 16, 2009
All from last night. I’m sure there were more.
I dreamed that I was shopping for a dress to wear to the holiday part at work. I was at big girl heaven, and a friend from work was telling me they had already been over the stuff. I found one dress that was red and white and black, and it was very busy. We decided it was too much when we found that it had that eyelash lace on it. I couldn’t find anything there, but I was really looking.
Later, I went shopping at a big department store with my family, and they were all ready to go, but I needed to find something. I was distracted by the lacy things. The family got bored and went off on their own. I remember food being involved.
I was with the kids, and we were at some kind of entertainment venue, and we found a little cottage-type thing for kids to play in. Each room in the cottage was a different theme, all geared towards the youngest’s age group. Dora, Diego, Princesses, etc. We weren’t sure we wanted to take her in there, because we might never get her out, but we wandered around and she was very excited.
I was with the kids in a bookstore or library, and I was searching around for some books. We started messing around, and then we were playing tag in this place, running through really narrow rows while the oldest chased us on some kind of vehicle. We weren’t sure she could make it through the rows. It was fun.
I dreamed that I was shopping for a dress to wear to the holiday part at work. I was at big girl heaven, and a friend from work was telling me they had already been over the stuff. I found one dress that was red and white and black, and it was very busy. We decided it was too much when we found that it had that eyelash lace on it. I couldn’t find anything there, but I was really looking.
Later, I went shopping at a big department store with my family, and they were all ready to go, but I needed to find something. I was distracted by the lacy things. The family got bored and went off on their own. I remember food being involved.
I was with the kids, and we were at some kind of entertainment venue, and we found a little cottage-type thing for kids to play in. Each room in the cottage was a different theme, all geared towards the youngest’s age group. Dora, Diego, Princesses, etc. We weren’t sure we wanted to take her in there, because we might never get her out, but we wandered around and she was very excited.
I was with the kids in a bookstore or library, and I was searching around for some books. We started messing around, and then we were playing tag in this place, running through really narrow rows while the oldest chased us on some kind of vehicle. We weren’t sure she could make it through the rows. It was fun.
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