Little snippets of dreams, since I woke in a panic to get to work on time.
email from Goomdah that was super urgent. The subject line was something like “Are you there!”
I was talking with an older guy, and he brought his daughter (older than me) to my room and proposed to me. We had met once, and hadn’t really done anything other than talk a few times. I kept pointing out that he didn’t know me, but he seemed fine with that, and his daughter was really supportive. They were having some family reunion event, so I was asking questions about their family, and the were religious, etc. I remember thinking that they had no idea who I was, since I was atheist and ambisexual.
After that, I was staying in a hotel with the children, the youngest was with me. It was a really nice hotel, and there was an adjoining room. The couple in the adjoining room was HOT. Both of them were hot, but I was super focused on the guy, who was tall, dark, and looked like a walking perfume ad. She was walking around in just a T shirt, and he was walking around in just pants. They had a child, it was a turtle. We met because the turtle child wanted to swim in our big tub in our room. It swam around with a folded up washrag on it’s back. I didn’t understand why, but it was enjoying itself. The parents were in and out checking on the turtle. They left to go somewhere, and the kid came out of the tub and morphed into a lion cub, which made perfect sense at the time, and I was already aware that outside of the tub, the kid was a lion cub.
My mom was driving me and the kids cross-country. Someone spilled or something, and mom looked back to see what was going on, and went off the road going pretty fast, but it went into this side lane that led to a really narrow door that went into a hotel. I remember asking her if she thought the van would fit into the door. We just barely fit. We stopped in a carpeted lobby, and this was ok, apparently. The kids piled out of the car, and someone spilled a coke on this small set of carpeted stairs, and we went to clean it up, kind of frantically. As I was cleaning, I looked up, and gorgeous guy from 3 was there, seeking me out for a rendezvous. He helped me clean up the mess. We went into a conference room, someone (I believe his wife) was there for a beauty pageant, or some such thing, which was high stress and audition based. She was prepared, but it seemed like the cards were stacked against her.
I was upstairs in this new hotel, in my room, with all of the kids. Once again, the hotness was next door to us. Then Trouble was on the same floor. He told me that he’d been calling and texting. I checked my phone and it had 13 texts from him, all pretty repetitive, saying things like “are you there” and “room 213.” I could see him or hear him somehow, he was in a hotel room, talking to some friends and drinking beer, completely cutting up. It was fun to watch him. I responded to the text, but it was like he was talking to me at the same time. He said now was the time, and I had to come and meet him in his room. The kids were awake and watching tv, and I said that perhaps now wasn’t the time. He then said maybe we should meet at night, and I explained the kids stay up late, so perhaps the afternoon was best, especially since the hotties next door could be back up.
I went to his room to meet him, and I got him naked, and the place where I bit him last time (on his lower abdomen, by the hip) was all nasty and bruised. I pointed it out to him, just in case he didn’t know, and he said that it was me that had the dark bruise, and I looked down, and I did. He had just the lightest of teeth marks.
I think that’s when I woke up and realize that I was late for work. I woke up with a mind full of Trouble.
For giggles, I looked at dream interpretation:
To see young lions, could denote new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended.
For a young woman to dream of young lions, could denote new and fascinating lovers.
To dream of seeing turtles, signifies that an unusual incident will cause you enjoyment, and improve your business conditions. It also indicates a bright change if you 'come out of your shell'.
To dream of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel.
If you dream of contracting a marriage, you might have unpleasant news from the absent.
For a young woman to dream that she is a bride, and unhappy or indifferent, foretells disappointments in love. She should be careful of her conduct, as enemies are near her.

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