I need to be working, papers are piled high all around, but wanted to document the latest dream. I had a dream that I was attending a work party. I was divided about the event—I wanted to get really drunk, but I also didn’t want to go. I was at the party, and it was in a really nice place with lots of wood paneling (the real kind, not the bad kind) and everything was very nice. I was convinced that I should be drunk by the time we headed over to the next venue. I went to the bar, where a nice looking bartender gave me a jack and coke (the first time I tried to order I asked for it incorrectly, something like a jack and whiskey). I took my drink, and went over to a seating area nearby, and sat next to another nice looking man, and READ A BOOK. For about an hour, nursing a drink. Lora Mae and Cotton Candy were there, off dancing I presume, as well as my two work friends, and I was content to read.
After about an hour, I remembered I was supposed to be getting incredibly plastered and went back to the bar. I got another jack and coke, and since I was concerned that I was behind schedule on the drinking, I ordered a round of four shots. After some deliberation, I decided to go with the traditional shot for the work friends, purple hooters.
In dream-like fashion, I was immediately in the car with Lora Mae. We were headed to the next venue. I was very concerned about what happened to the missing time, but more importantly to the missing shots. Lora Mae knew nothing of them, which made me wonder if I had drank them all, or left them at the bar. I was very concerned about this. I was also drunk and driving. We were driving through an industrial-looking part of the city, and there was a cop two lanes over. I panicked and swerved or something stupid, and the cop’s lights came on. Fortunately, the drunk in the car right in front of him had his attention. We continued on to the next party.
At the next party, I quickly found another chair to sit in. This place was not as nice, but similar-looking, and seemed to be contained in an upscale mall. There were much fewer people here. I was sitting in a basic folding chair, and a model type woman and fabulous man decided that I should really wear make-up when going out, so they put some on me. I remember the man rubbing lip gloss into my lips. I left the room I was in and headed downstairs to wander around. I found a group of work people sitting around smoking; my bosses’ boss was with them. They were talking about sensitive stuff, so when I came in, they stopped, and the boss made eyes at me and made small talk with me, hoping I wouldn’t notice.
They left, and I continued to walk around the mall area. My friends found me, and I ditched them. It seems that I climbed a balcony to get away. I ended up sitting in a not as nice section of the mall with Lora Mae, while a guy from work helped me with something to do with my car.
The next part I remember is being in a Wal-Mart Parking lot and it was just weird random stuff involving toilet paper. I think we’re running low at the house, lol. General impressions: lots of focus on alcohol, being surrounded by attractive people, knowing people were there but not seeing them, my own state of attractiveness

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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