Friday, September 27, 2013
Prom Night
I have to keep us with recording these things.
So I was sitting at a table at prom night. I was looking fantastic, and I was sitting at a table relaxing, checking my phone or snacking or some kind of other zen thing, and someone came up to me concerned because my date had left me alone. He was asking me where my boyfriend had gone, and I told him he was off at the gambling tables, and that he'd be there until he lost all his money or won an amount he was happy with, and I wouldn't expect him any sooner than that. I had zero problems with this. The guy seemed unbelieving. Prom was so special, I had to be with my date during prom. I explained that I was enjoying myself, and I'd been to prom 6 times before this, and this year made my 7th. I counted them off on my fingers. Three in Little Axe, three in Ardmore, and now this one.
That's about all I remember about it. Just a dream about being content and confident on my own.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Does she like photography?
Dream from the other night that I didn’t record. I was in a super tall building that was a sky scraper, black and sleek looking. The boyfriend and I lived in the middle of it, yet somehow, portions of our level were open to the air. We are sitting in the living room (in a floor to ceiling covered portion) and we see a helicopter hovering out the window, with a camera pointed at us. I’m confused, I don’t understand why they are filming us. It hovers, then goes to the other side and films and comes back, and this whole time, it’s dangerously close to the walls. Boyfriend explains that this the crew that films racy movies, and this is how they signal that they are ready. I’m excited to be participating in a racy movie. We head to the other part of the level, that is open to the air. The helicopter has landed, and the pilots are out of the helicopter and ready to shoot. In this section, there is a huge hot tub that is on a pedestal made of the same sleek, black material as the outside of the skyscraper. I hop in, ready to have fun, but boyfriend hangs back. He doesn’t like that I’m doing the film.
hot tub,
Black Out
Sleep medication does weird things to me. I had many dreams last night, all very clear and realistic. I remember checking my bank account, and being saddened by the amount of money in there. That’s just a normal anxiety. I dreamed my daughter came home and then she left again almost immediately, which is also a pretty normal occurrence. I remember asking her to stay for her sister.
But the main dream, which seemed to have actual dream-like qualities, was a dream of a party. It was a party with my friends, I remember Al being there, and we were having a good time. There was a guy hosting the party, and I was really into him. Like really. I hadn’t really met him before, but I was really digging him. I was talking to him, and things seemed to be going well, and then I did something drunkenly, I can’t remember what, which put him off, and he went off with one of his friends. I was a little confused, but then I figured, party time, and continued to have a good time with my friends. Next thing I know, it’s the next day, and I had apparently had so much fun I blacked out. Al says this guy is having another party, and I’m excited to go, especially since he has a pool, and if we get there early, we can swim. We head over, but I’m got this nagging feeling that I’m not welcome there maybe. Like I did something during a black out that was very not cool. We get there, and I see the guy, and he says I’m not welcome there because of my behavior. I felt like an idiot for getting drunk enough to embarrass myself.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
hot librarian
I was at the library with Pink and Sparkly and Lora Mae, maybe Chutah. We were looking through the movies for something to watch, but I kept looking back to the male librarian at the desk, who was absolutely scrummy. All of the movies were Christmas movies, and I wondered aloud why that was, and I was informed by my friends that they liked to keep lots of those on hand for homeless people. It was cold at Christmas, so they came into the library, and this way, they had something to watch and keep up their spirits.
We found some movies that were wrapped like presents. Patrons had given the library Christmas gifts, and they hadn’t opened them. Pink/Sparkly and Lora Mae went to the librarian to find out if they could open them for the library. I stayed with the presents, because I was too shy to talk to the librarian, and while standing there, I found big magnum bottle of champagne. I was messing with the top of the bottle, nervously, and loosened the cork, which shot out of the bottle and hit me right underneath the eye.
I was embarrassed, and the girls ran back over to check out what was going on. They were trying to convince me that I needed to go tell the librarian what I’d done, but I didn’t want to, especially since I opened their booze and I was developing a nice black eye, and the librarian was still hot hot hot. They went to sort it out for me. I believe he came over to check on me, but my brain seems to have censored the good part.
I was driving a motorcycle, but it was one of those trike things, and it had a full back seat part to it. My sister and her husband and child were sitting in the back, and I was driving them somewhere kind of far. We were hurtling down the road, and I can remember my hair streaming out behind me. Suddenly, it started to hail. Big, golfball to softball size hail. I was worried about the baby getting brained, so we pulled over to the rest station on the highway, which was about fifteen stories high. We were looking for a place to sit and rest, but everyone was inside due to the hail. We finally got a place, and it turned out that it was because the hail had stopped.
I was at the library with Pink and Sparkly and Lora Mae, maybe Chutah. We were looking through the movies for something to watch, but I kept looking back to the male librarian at the desk, who was absolutely scrummy. All of the movies were Christmas movies, and I wondered aloud why that was, and I was informed by my friends that they liked to keep lots of those on hand for homeless people. It was cold at Christmas, so they came into the library, and this way, they had something to watch and keep up their spirits.
We found some movies that were wrapped like presents. Patrons had given the library Christmas gifts, and they hadn’t opened them. Pink/Sparkly and Lora Mae went to the librarian to find out if they could open them for the library. I stayed with the presents, because I was too shy to talk to the librarian, and while standing there, I found big magnum bottle of champagne. I was messing with the top of the bottle, nervously, and loosened the cork, which shot out of the bottle and hit me right underneath the eye.
I was embarrassed, and the girls ran back over to check out what was going on. They were trying to convince me that I needed to go tell the librarian what I’d done, but I didn’t want to, especially since I opened their booze and I was developing a nice black eye, and the librarian was still hot hot hot. They went to sort it out for me. I believe he came over to check on me, but my brain seems to have censored the good part.
I was driving a motorcycle, but it was one of those trike things, and it had a full back seat part to it. My sister and her husband and child were sitting in the back, and I was driving them somewhere kind of far. We were hurtling down the road, and I can remember my hair streaming out behind me. Suddenly, it started to hail. Big, golfball to softball size hail. I was worried about the baby getting brained, so we pulled over to the rest station on the highway, which was about fifteen stories high. We were looking for a place to sit and rest, but everyone was inside due to the hail. We finally got a place, and it turned out that it was because the hail had stopped.
the shakes
Today's dreams aren't super clear, but I do remember that the boyfriend was expecting a group of male friends to spend the night. They were going to stay in a foyer type room in the house, which looked like the entrance to a small Mexican restaurant. It was late, and the guys started to arrive, and I was in my nightclothes already, which just so happened to sexy. I laid down on a pallet, and ended up sleeping between two of the guys. There was interest, but nothing happened. In the morning, I woke up and knew I was in trouble, not really for infidelity, because that was probably ok, but for sleeping somewhere else, and went to the boyfriend and explained how tired I was, but I knew deep down that I had really liked the attention. After we talked it out for a minute, I tried to make it up to him by planning a party for everyone while I waited for his bus to arrive to take him to work.
I'm playing a video game with my son, and it's all immersive. We're driving a dune buggy thing over an icy tundra, which is pixelated, following his friend. I was nervous about it, since it was a MMORPG, and his friend decides to make it harder. We go to space, and we enter a tube. He goes in a really tight spiral in the tube, and as he does, pieces fall off in a honeycomb shape. I have to follow him really closely to use the space that just fell in the one second grace period after.
I was in a nasty hovel of a hotel, and i think i was a guy. I was sitting there alone, coming down off a drug, and starting to really hurt from withdrawal, when i discovers this giant ziplock bag of white powder, which happens to be my drug of choice. So i take it. Then this fried looking blonde woman shows up, she's my partner, and i have to tell her i fell off the wagon. She's a little disappointed, but understanding, and she helps me to get rid of the drugs and decide to move on. I remember how much i wish i hadn't done it when she got there.
dune buggy,
video game
Friday, June 28, 2013
Jetpack Joyride
So I was in this house with my kids and everyone. You were around there somewhere, and my mom and my sister, and basically all my people. It was a little influenced by the new video game, as I knew we were all in danger/crisis mode, and I was spending my time trying to protect everyone. There were other people there, and there was a man there that wanted me, and we had flirted, and we were going to set aside some time to get to know each other a little better in a very biblical sense. Things were a bit quiet and calm, but I felt very on edge, like I needed to be on my guard. The more this man wanted to get me alone, the more I felt put off by it.
Work Guy was in the military, and he had been given top secret prototypes. One was a vertical/standing model jetpack, and the other was a horizontal/laying down jetpack. He was flying them around, testing them out, and I was watching. The Man from earlier was testing them after Work Guy. Man asked me if I was going next, and I indicated that they were insane, because that was top secret stuff, and very dangerous to boot. As I'm talking, I look down the street, and through the fog generated from these stupid prototypes, I see tanks rolling down the street. Somehow they were sneaky. I couldn't hear them, but I could see them, and a tank was parking on every block. They were dropping smoke screens, and soldiers were pouring out around them. I start running, and push everyone inside the house, but I couldn't grab Work Guy, and he was being swarmed by soldiers when I looked back. I remember thinking that they were looking for Work Guy because of his using the prototypes, but once I got into the house, I wasn't sure.
Then I was inside this house, with all the people, just watching. Making sure people were ok. Watching people sleep peacefully in hammocks, seemingly unaffected by the war going on outside.
Going to the Chapel
I've had some interesting dreams recently, so I was inspired to return. It may not last long, though.
Last night, I dreamed that I was in a picturesque little New England looking area, in a bright white church. I was with a man I was very much in love with. I had those feelings, really strong love and attraction and happiness. We were walking around, hand in hand, and he was telling me that he had arranged for us to be married in this church, and all the preparations were in order. I was excited and happy and feeling secure, but not entirely sure that I wanted to, there was some little doubt that sprang up once I had adjusted to the initial idea. But overall, I was really excited to be around him. We were walking around the side of the church, in between the church and an old pick up things got sexy, and i was talking dirty to him, and the look of desire on his face was so intense, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed, but both knew nothing had to happen then. We continued to walk hand in hand, excited about the future, and excited to be in love. We went into another building in the immediate area, and watched people preparing for the wedding, and I realized that I should be getting ready. I asked someone, and they confirmed that the wedding was going to be in about an hour, and I knew it was going to be close as to whether I could get ready in time.
That's when the thing changed for me. I turned back to my guy, and he was a different guy. He looked like a guy I barely knew, and wasn't that into. I recognized him as the same guy, but the doubt that had started earlier came in full force. I started thinking about my life, and how he would fit into my life. I wondered if he knew my kids, if they got along, what that was going to be like. So I started to question him about this, and it turned out to be something that we had never talked about. Then I realized that I hadn't told my boyfriend. I thought it was probably ok, but surely I should tell him before. So I started talking to this guy I was supposed to marry about whether I should tell me boyfriend now, or if I should wait until after the ceremony.
I woke up thinking, "Huh?"
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